


澜沧县竹塘乡云山村云山自然寨人居环境改善工程为2018年度上海市黄浦区政府对云南援建扶贫项目。建筑师以公益形式免费参与规划与建筑设计,对村庄危房及破旧住宅原址重新改建的同时,也为村庄兴建了众多村民活动场所及公共厕所等公共设施。其中村民活动室建筑面积仅60平米。主要功能是为村民提供一个集会、交流、学习、分享的活动场地。由于建造技术、材料、看不懂施工图图纸、面积及资金限制。建筑师用简单的设计手法结合地形特性与当地常见且造价低廉的水泥青砖材质进行不同组合与叠加,来进行设计与实现建造,建造中也尽量采用立体效果图这种比较直观、简单的方式与工人进行沟通。由于基地地形高差原因,我们将建筑整体架空,设置了不同的开放式进入入口的同时,通过模糊内外空间的形式最大化的开放了活动室与广场之间的互动性。功能上在满足现有活动及集会功能的同时,我们也增加了阅读空间。希望它不仅仅是为村民提供一个活动和集会场所,也让它可以成为一个村民或儿童阅读、学习交流空间,增强村庄学习氛围。 The improvements of the living environment of Yunshan Village were the poverty alleviation project supported by Shanghai Huangpu District Government in 2018. We provided free planning and architectural design for good causes. More than reconstructing dilapidated and old buildings, they built many public facilities such as activity venues and public toilets. With only 60 square meters, the activity center mainly serves as a public venue for villagers to socialize with others, study and have meetings. Due to a series of difficulties including construction technologies, materials, drawings that local people can’t understand, area and limited budget, we adopted simple design approaches based on the local terrain and used the low-cost combination of common cement and black tile. And three-dimensional renderings were used for workers to better understand. Because of the height discrepancy, we set different open entries and maximized the interaction between the activity center and the square by blurring the boundary between inside and outside spaces. Besides the basic functions of hosting activities and assemblies, a reading space is added. We hoped to create an activity space where adults and children could read, study and share ideas, thereby enhancing the learning atmosphere of the villages.
