


沧东经济开发区明珠国际服饰产业小镇园区以时尚产业为主导,是集产业聚集与服务、产业园区开发、服装设计研发、面辅料一站式采购的专业服装产业集群小镇。建筑师在设计之初从实际使用机能及现实状况为出发点去建造,回归使用机能的同时不过于追求材质的极致及工艺的极致。寄托于设计、美感、空间氛围来创造空间。在功能空间分布上我们将使用功能、生活社区与配套服务进行叠加,以开放的进入方式进行串联,试图创造出一个立体的复合型空间。将商业、展示、工作和居住、生活、休闲功能融为一体,达到共存并置的理想状态。在空间结构和氛围上则是通过体块的错位穿插与高低错落的组合方式来构筑空间的构成元素,同时在体块与体块之间形成大量庭院与呼吸空间。通过虚与实的转换作为空间叙事脉络,用灰空间在不同的功能建筑主体与庭院空间形成自然过渡,同时制造出不同的光影质感。我们希望以此建筑为“原点”为这片在盐碱地上新建的产业园区创造一处开放、友善、自然、具有吸引力的综合型公共交流、休闲、展示空间,并向整个产业园区进行扩散及延伸。 Mingzhu International Clothing Industry Characteristic Town of Cangdong Economic Development Zone is led by fashion industry. The town integrates with industrial cluster and service, industrial park development, R&D of costume design, one-stop purchasing of fabric and accessories. At the beginning of design, we started from practical functions and present situations and pursued the best materials and delicate craftsmanship while ensuring basic functions. The combination of design, beauty and spatial atmosphere creates a functional yet attractive area. In terms of spatial organization, we stacked the functional spaces, living communities and supporting services with an open entry as connection. We intended to create a three-dimensional composite space, where commercial, exhibition, working, living and leisure functions can be integrated into one so as to achieve an ideal scenario of coexistence. The space is constructed through stagger and intersection of volumes and many courtyards and open spaces are created between building masses. Via the shift of the solid and void space, the in-between spaces enable natural transition between different functional blocks and courtyards and produce different light and shadows. The goal is to form a professional clothing industry cluster that integrates industry aggregation and services, industrial park development, clothing design research and development, one-stop sourcing of materials and accessories, financial services, logistics services, marketing services, branding, and exhibition services.


