


工作室参与打造的溪口乡村未来社区,将有60余年历史的黄铁矿职工生活区改造成为了独属于溪口镇的鲜活乡村版未来社区。未来社区之家是最终呈现的一个空间,也是本次项目中唯一的一个新建项目。 场地位于一块凹陷的菜地里,呈不规则状,北低南高,东西两侧均为石头砌筑的挡土墙,上面绿树成荫。整个用地凹陷其中,与道路高差明显,想要到达场地,需顺东边的道路而下。场地东西两边均为居民居住小区,北面为城市主干道,但是有明显的地形高差将其切断。而南面则是社区的主要道路,人通过的时候,视觉上很容易看到位于洼点的地块,从某种意义上来说当建筑建成后他也很容易就成为了一个社区的视觉中心点。 当时在规划时将其定义为未来社区之家。是想通过空间与建筑为社区提供一个全龄化、多用途使用的公共空间,以此来诠释未来社区对于共享、无人、智能、绿色、邻里的憧憬与理念。整个建筑空间中包含了党群服务、儿童室内外乐园、攀岩墙体、主妇之家、便民事务自助办理、老年人幸福学堂、健康之家、知识讲堂&瑜伽室及公共聚集休闲场所等。 由于场地处于一个洼地间,我们将建筑整体做了抬升,把底层架空至与东西路面相当的高度。把建筑当做“桥”的功能连接原本被高差割裂的东西侧社区之前的动线。而架空的空间与前场我们则将儿童游乐的沙池及公共聚集休闲场所置入其中,希望这里可以成为社区茶余饭后的休闲空间。前场空缺的场地则作为临时停车空间使用,缓解部分停车需求。结合使用功能我们将架空的建筑体块分散于场地上空进行有机错落的并置与组合。并通过一系列的户外及半户外的廊道将各个功能空间进行了串联,同时增加垂直向的楼梯与台阶将上下空间的割裂也进行了连接。我们试图把建筑当成是一个介质来串联社区与场地上下的动线及连接,缩短两个社区之间割裂的同时消解原本由高差带来的不便捷性,形成一个多层次的连接空间。 Shanghai-based y.ad studio has engaged in the construction of the Rural Future Community of Xikou, a renewal project that transforms a residential quarter for pyrite workers built over 60 years ago into a vibrant rural future community with a distinct local identity of Xikou Town. The Future Community Center, the only newly constructed building in this community, marks the completion of the entire rural renew project. The project site is nestled within a sunken vegetable field, with an irregular shape. The land slopes gently towards the north and rises gradually towards the south. The east and west sides are stone retaining walls shaded by lush green trees. The entire site is situated at a lower elevation compared to the surrounding road, creating a distinctive elevation difference. Access to the site is available by walking downwards from the east road. Flanked by residential areas on both the east and west sides, the site faces an urban main road to the north, isolated by a noticeable elevation difference. The south side of the site faces the community's primary road, ensuring that the community center will serve as a captivating visual centerpiece for the community upon its completion. During the planning phase, the site was envisioned as a future community hub with the primary goal of creating a versatile public space that caters to individuals of all ages and serves various purposes through space and architectural design, striving to embody the vision of a future community that prioritizes sharing, automation, smart technology, sustainability, and a strong sense of neighborhood. The building offers a diverse range of facilities and amenities including the Party-mass service center, indoor and outdoor play areas for children, climbing walls, a designated space for housewives, self-service kiosks, a dedicated learning area for senior citizens, healthcare facilities, a lectures hall and yoga room for knowledge sharing and wellness activities, as well as public gathering and leisure areas. To address the lower position of the site, the building was elevated by raising the ground floor to match the height of the east-west road. This elevation made the community center a "bridge" that connects the circulation routes of the east and west communities, previously separated by varying elevations. The stilt floor and front yard of the building accommodated a children's sand pool and a public gathering and entertainment space, providing a leisure area for the community to enjoy. Furthermore, the vacant space in the front yard was repurposed as a parking area to alleviate some of the parking demand. Based on functional needs, the elevated building blocks were strategically dispersed through organic juxtaposition and combination. Various functional spaces were interconnected through a series of outdoor and semi-outdoor corridors. Vertical stairs and steps were incorporated to facilitate movement between the upper and lower spaces. The intention behind this design approach was to utilize the building as a medium for connecting the circulation routes and establishing connections between the community and the site. By reducing the separation between the two communities and eliminating the inconveniences caused by the original elevation difference, a multi-level connective space was achieved.



